Happy First Day of School! Week 3 Lab!

This week in Lab we were tasked with coming up with a lesson that we would teach on the first day of school. For me the hardest part about creating this lesson was coming up with a "get to know me" activity that could be done in the era of social distancing. It seemed like every activity I came up with didn't follow social distancing rules without some sort of modification. After spending way too much time thinking about it, I finally decided on a simple activity. In order to comply with social distancing, I decided it would be best to just go around the room and have each student introduce themselves. Except there is one twist, before each person goes I roll a dice and the number it lands on is the number of fun facts that they get to tell the class. I thought this would be a fun way to get to know each other with the excitement of never knowing what number you get. However, I think I may choose a different activity in the future as I think this one may take too much t...