Exploring the Problem Solving Approach

This weeks lab was all about the problem solving approach. We were tasked with coming up with a lesson that used problem solving skills. I decided to give my students a problem that I know all too well; choosing a good feeding program! For this lesson I started off with bellwork. Each student was given two sticky notes. On the first sticky note I asked them to write down one thing they know about nutritional requirements and on the second sticky note I asked them to write down one question they still had. Once they were finished I asked them to stick their sticky notes on the chalk board. This allowed for me to see all the similarities that students had in their answers. Next, I showed a behind the scenes video at Purina. The goal of this was to help students understand that there is a lot of research and science that goes into creating feeds and supplements. After the video, I introduced the activity to the students. I started off by giving them their "mission". ...