Back to school! (Week 8 Student Teaching)

Last week was spring break and it was nice to have some time off. With that being said, I'm not sure which is worse the week before spring break or the week after. This week was all about getting back to work and it was quite a hectic week in the classroom! Monday was an adjustment day so we weren't too hard on the kids. In first period, we finished watching the last 15 minutes of the movie "The Biggest Little Farm". After the movie was done we had a discussion about the movie. It was interesting to see what the kids thought about the movie. Many didn't agree with some of the methods being used (which was exactly what I was hoping for) but a lot of them were able to see the purpose behind what they were trying to accomplish (which is a win for me). In second period we started talking about Temple Grandin and watched some of the Temple Grandin Movie. This class seemed very fascinated by here and I loved how interested in her work they were. In fourth period (our...