SAE Visit #1 - Florida Strawberry Festival Steer

1) Who did you visit? The President of the J.F St. Martin FFA Chapter (Durant's junior FFA Chapter). 2) Where did the visit occur? Out on the land lab. 3) What preparation did you make prior to the visit? Brainstorm some possible questions I could ask. 4)What recommendations were made for improvement? Work the hair more. 5) What record books were being used? Strawberry Festival record book and the account at the feed store. 6) What is name of your steer? Zeus 7) When was your steer born? December, 16th, 2019 8) How much does your steer weigh and what is your target weight? He weighs 1205 pounds and my target weight is 1300 pounds. 9) What is his current average daily gain? 2.76 pounds 10) Any health problems? No