Exploring Interest Approaches!

This week for lab we were given the task to come up with our best interest approach. For my lesson, I decided to work on a lesson from the animal behavior unit that I have started. The biggest challenge was coming up with an interesting activity that doesn't take too long and can be done during a pandemic. I decided to not make it too complicated and go the video + worksheet approach. I picked out 3 different video clips of animals basically doing funny things and had the students write down 3-4 observations of what the animals were doing in the video. The first video was of dog and cats, the second video was of horses and the third was of monkeys. After the students watched all the videos, I wrapped up the activity with a discussion. During the discussion, I asked the following questions: 1) What stood out to you? 2) Was there anything you saw that you have never seen before? 3) Was there anything you saw that made you laugh or made you upset...