Getting Scientific with Inquiry-Based Learning

In this weeks lab, we were challenged to build a lesson using Inquiry Based Learning. The biggest challenge I think we all faced was building a lesson that could be presented to our classmates in 30 mins and still revolved around inquiry based learning. Many of the ideas I had were meant to be done over many class periods and required materials that I simply didn't have. From early on in my brainstorming process, I knew I wanted to do something revolving seed germination but I wasn't sure how to attack it. I remember at the Florida State Fair they did an activity with germination where you place a wet cotton ball and a seed in a small baggy attached to a string. Then you seal the bag and wear it around your neck. The heat of your body causes the seed to germinate. That was my initial inspiration but I knew I needed something a little more advanced for high school students. My next thought was to have students change the environment in which the seed lived in and ...