SAE Visit #2- Florida State Fair Chicken

1) Who did you visit? The Student Advisor of the J.F St. Martin FFA Chapter (Durant's junior FFA Chapter). 2) Where did the visit occur? In the classroom. 3) What preparation did you make prior to the visit? Brainstorm some possible questions I could ask. 4)What recommendations were made for improvement? Expose the chicken to other chickens more, 5) What record books were being used? Florida State Fair record book 6) What breed is your chicken? Buff Orphington 7) How long have you had the chicken? About a year 8) What is the biggest challenge you have with you SAE project? My chicken doesn't get along with other birds because she is the only chicken I have. 9) If you could change one thing about your project what would it be? My chicken is a little bit small for her age so I could have selected a bigger chick at the beginning of the project. 10) Have you made any money off your project? Yes! I have made approximately $50. 11) What is your favorite thing abo...