What is Rotary?

Rotary is such a huge part of my life so I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a little about it!

What is Rotary?

Rotary is a global service organization that is focused on bringing people together to make a difference. 

What makes Rotary different from other service clubs is that Rotarians not only work on improving their own community but they also do work on a global scale.

What are some causes that Rotary really focuses on?
  1. Promoting Peace: (Rotary Promotes Peace video)
  2. Fighting disease: (Rotary Fight Disease video
    1. in 1985, Rotary started a campaign to End Polio. As of today, Polio is so close to being eradicated because of the efforts of rotarians. 
  3. Providing clean water: (Rotary Provides water, sanitation and hygiene video)
  4. Saving mothers and children: (Rotary Supports Mothers and Babies video)
  5. Supporting Education: (Rotary Supports Education Video 
  6. Easing Poverty: (Rotary Supports Local Economies Video)
Rotary's Motto:

"Service Above Self"

What is something that is uniquely a Rotary thing?

One of the major guiding principles of Rotary is something called "the four way test". 
The four way test is designed to be used by rotarians in their everyday lives. It asks a series of questions that helps a person decide the ethical standing of situations. 

Do you want to learn more about Rotary? Click the link below:

Interested in attending a meeting? Click the link below to find a club near you!


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