Science Classroom Visit!


During the last week of student teaching, I had the wonderful opportunity to observe a science classroom during 3rd period. Here is what I observed from my visit!

Class: Astronomy 

Lesson Title: The Big Bang!

Date: 4/19/2021

1) What were the objectives of the lesson?

"Students will be able to explain the evidence that supports the big bang.

2) In your opinion, were the students interested in the lesson? Why or why not?

Yes! They were 100% interested in learning about the big bang because the teacher had them fully engaged in the material the whole time through the use of open discussion embedded in the lecture. 

3) What teaching methods or behaviors were most affective in achieving the objectives?

Guided notes + Worksheet, discussion, and powerpoint

4) In your opinion, was the teacher "giving away" information or facilitating learning?

In my opinion the teacher facilitated learning. They asked questions and allowed students to answer. The teacher also did not just give away the answers to the questions on the worksheet instead they had to figure out the answers from the lecture. 

5) Other comments or observations:

The teacher was very enthusiastic about the material and got students excited and interested.

The teacher provided a very informative powerpoint that guided the discussion and learning but didn't always directly give the answer away. 

The teacher tried to focus the students' attention on the presentation by providing a framework for the student notes but not telling them word for word what to write down. 

The teacher tried to capitalize on student interests or experiences by relating the material to experiences that they can relate to. 

The teacher tried to use a structure or framework to help students visualize the new material by giving them a smaller blank version of a diagram and projecting the more complex diagram on the board.  Students must only write down what they think is important because they don't have room to write down everything.  


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