What I seek in a cooperating center?

  1. A diverse program with more than one type of Ag class. 
    1. Since I come from a purely Vet Assisting program, I would like to experience a program that offers more than one type of Ag class. 
  2. A program with an active FFA Chapter 
    1. I would like to experience a program that has a very active and successful FFA program. I come from a program that faced a lot of challenges so I would like to see what it takes for an FFA chapter to reach its full potential. 
  3. A program that encourages students to participate in CDE's
    1. This is really important to me as I never participated in CDE's in high school. I would really like to see what it takes to prepare students for these competitions. 
  4. A program that has members who show livestock as their SAE.
    1. One of my favorite things in high school and one of the reasons I decided to become an Ag teacher was showing pigs. However, because I come from a very suburban area I never had any experiences with other species. I would love to be pushed even more out of my comfort zone by seeing what it takes to show other species. 


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