All about cows! (Week 2 of Student Teaching)

 This week was jammed packed and was all about cows. It was also my first week of actual teaching. 

We started off the week by making name tags in second period and learning all about why we study animal reproduction. After school on Monday, we loaded the cows into the trailer and moved them to the school pasture to be with the other cows. 

Then on Tuesday, we took second period outside to weigh, deworm and tag the cows that we brought over the day before. After we finished that, we moved the cows down to the pasture to be with the bull. 
On Wednesday, we were back in the classroom to learn about the terms we use to describe anatomical positioning. We started off with a worksheet and some videos. 

Then on Thursday, they completed something called the "gummy bear lab". This an activity that I remember doing in high school and was one that we really enjoyed. So, I thought it would be a really great hands on activity to do my first week teaching. 

In this activity students, take gummy bears and then cut them along with position them according to the anatomical positioning terms provided. 

Lastly, on Friday we learned about the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction to get started on our reproduction unit. 

Overall, it was a long week but also a great one!


  1. Hi Emily! I write this on the Monday morning after the Super Bowl and I can't even imagine what it is like in Florida right now! This being said, it sounds like your first week teaching was a success! I am very jealous you have cows at your cooperating center! Since your students get a lot of hands on experience working with livestock, have you thought about incorporating a lesson about Temple Grandin and her research in animal handling? Can't wait to see what week 4 has in store for you!

  2. Hi Emily,

    It sounds like we are both teaching similar things right now! I debated doing the gummy bear lab myself, so I am curious to know how it went for you! Instead of the gummy bear lab for directional terminology, I decided to have students draw and then label an animal and then later practice on our rabbits here at PV. I love the worksheets you used to complete your activity!


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