It's all about the Strawberries! (Week 7 of Student Teaching)

 This weeks main focus was Strawberry Festival and getting CDE's done!

On Monday, we had the day off because of the Strawberry Festival Grand Parade. I originally intended to attend this event but with COVID cases surging I decide it was best not to attend (especially since masks were not required). 

Tuesday was the sheep show at the Strawberry Festival and I also got my first dose of the COVID vaccine. 

Wednesday we were back at school but class sizes were very small due to the strawberry festival and covid quarantines. It was challenging because we were having a lot of WiFi issues because of this we decided to show the kids an Agriculture related movie called "The Biggest Little Farm". I had purchased this movie on DVD prior to student teaching just in case something like this happened. I choose this movie because it has some opinions about farming that are outside the popular opinion which leads to some great discussions. 

After school we had a very short practice with our OH Demonstration CDE team. The deadline for the video submission was fastly approaching. Once practice had ended we headed back to the Festival Grounds to help with the Steer Show. 

On Thursday, we spent most of the day at the festival. Once we were done at the festival we headed back to school for Nursery Landscape CDE practice and also to film their OH Demo. 

Friday was a challenging day. WiFi was down in the district for most of the day which meant we couldn't access canvas, emails, or most other district sites even when using a personal hotspot. So for first period, we decided let them continue watching the movie we started on Wednesday. We had some cleaning up to do outside so we decided to take second period outside. 

Sunday was the last day of the Festival and I headed back to the festival grounds to help with chicken load out. 

Overall it was a long week but I had so much fun and made so many memories! 

Ended the week with a fire pit and some star gazing!


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